Matthew Doucette: (Some) Games I've Beaten

Saturday, June 16, 2012
By: Matthew Doucette

Games I've beaten over the years. Some games were considered beat when they were wrapped or when every game mode or team was beat within the game. This list is by no means full and is updated occasionally but never to completion.



  1. Hunt the Wumpus
  2. Parsec
  3. Pole Position (wrapped it)  



  1. 4D Sports Boxing
  2. Civilization
  3. Doom
  4. Doom II: Hell on Earth
  5. F-15 Strike Eagle
  6. F-15 Strike Eagle III
  7. Jeopardy
  8. King's Quest 2
  9. King's Quest 4
  10. Need For Speed
  11. Need For Speed II
  12. Need For Speed III: Hot Pursuit
  13. Need For Speed: High Stakes
  14. Need For Speed: Porsche Unleashed
  15. Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit 2
  16. Out of This World
  17. Platypus
  18. Police Quest
  19. Police Quest 2
  20. Quake
  21. Quake 2
  22. Quake 3 (single player mode)
  23. Rampage
  24. Satazius (July 10th, 2013)
  25. Serious Sam: The First Encounter
  26. Serious Sam: The Second Encounter
  27. Silpheed
  28. Space Quest
  29. Space Quest 2
  30. Space Quest 3
  31. Space Quest 4
  32. Space Quest 5
  33. Star Wars Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast
  34. Stunts
  35. Superstar Ice Hockey
  36. Test Drive
  37. The Ultimate Doom
  38. Thexder
  39. Unreal
  40. Unreal Tournament (single player mode)
  41. Wheel of Fortune

Almost beat:



  1. Downland (beat on a PC in my 20's later on in life)


Sega Master System (SMS):

  1. Alex Kidd in Miracle World (XBLA)
  2. R-Type


NES (Nintendo Entertaiment System):

I beat 70 NES games as a child, and unfortunately lost the list I kept so I cannot remember all of them, and beat even more later on in life.

  1. Bad Dudes
  2. Batman
  3. Blades Of Steel
  4. Contra
  5. Contra Force (maybe; not as a child)
  6. Disney's Duck Tales (maybe, might have been the Game Boy version)
  7. Dragon Warrior
  8. Duck Hunt
  9. Excitebike (maybe)
  10. Gradius
  11. Gunsmoke (maybe)
  12. Kung Fu
  13. Life Force
  14. Lunar Pool
  15. Mega Man II
  16. Metal Storm
  17. Operation Wolf (maybe)
  18. Othello
  19. P.O.W.
  20. Rad Racer
  21. Sky Shark
  22. Super C
  23. Super Mario Bros.
  24. Super Mario Bros. 2
  25. Super Mario Bros. 3
  26. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2: The Arcade Game
  27. Thundercade
  28. Tiger Heli (maybe)
  29. Top Gun
  30. Twin Cobra (maybe)
  31. Vindicators
  32. Wizards & Warriors 2: Ironsword
  33. Zelda II: The Adventure of Link (got to the last boss, the shadow of yourself, on an NES, and beat on an emulator)


Almost beat:



  1. 1943 (August 13th, 2007: co-op with Jason)
  2. Altered Beast
  3. Avengers (via Capcom Arcade Cabinet on XBLA; March 8th, 2014)
  4. Beat Black Tiger (via Capcom Arcade Cabinet on XBLA; March 12, 2014
  5. Fighting Vipers
  6. Final Fight (XBLA; July 22nd, 2013)
  7. Golden Axe
  8. Mercs (August 12th, 2007)
  9. Metal Slug 3
  10. Mortal Kombat (1)
  11. Out Run
  12. R-Type
  13. R-Type II
  14. Raiden
  15. Raiden II
  16. Raiden IV
  17. Raiden DX (PS1; May 29th, 2013: co-op with Jason; all three stages: Alpha, Bravo, and Charlie.)
  18. Raiden Fighters**
  19. Raiden Fighters 2: Operation Hell Dive**
  20. Raiden Fighters Jet
  21. Raidiant Silvergun
  22. RayStorm
  23. Shinobi
  24. Sonic the Fighters
  25. Space Harrier
  26. Super Bees (Exed Exes) (via Capcom Arcade Cabinet on XBLA; March 8th, 2014)
  27. Super Hang-On
  28. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles*
  29. Triggerheart Exelica
  30. Virtua Fighter 2
  31. X-Men (via X-Men Arcade on XBLA) 

*Beat on an actual arcade coin-op machine. The rest of the games were beat on emulators or console ports that are accurately emulated.
**Beat either Raiden Fighters, Raiden Fighters 2, or Raiden Fighters Jet on an actual aracde coin-op machine. I cannot remember which


Sega Genesis:

  1. After Burner II
  2. Air Buster: Trouble Specialty Raid Unit
  3. Air Diver
  4. Altered Beast
  5. Batman
  6. Contra: Hard Corps
  7. ESWAT: City Under Siege
  8. F-22 Interceptor
  9. Forgotten Worlds
  10. Gaiares
  11. Golden Axe
  12. Golden Axe 2
  13. Golden Axe 3
  14. Hard Drivin'
  15. Hellfire
  16. Gunstar Heroes
  17. Lakers versus Celtics and the NBA Playoffs
  18. Michael Jackson's Moonwalker
  19. Out of This World (aka Another World)
  20. Out Run
  21. Out Run 2019
  22. OutRunners
  23. Pat Riley's Basketball
  24. Raiden Trad
  25. Sonic The Hedgehog
  26. Space Harrier II
  27. Streets of Rage
  28. Streets of Rage 2
  29. Streets of Rage 3
  30. Super Hang-On
  31. Super Thunder Blade
  32. Target Earth
  33. Task Force Harrier
  34. Taz-Mania
  35. Tommy Lasorda Baseball
  36. The Revenge of Shinobi
  37. Thunder Force II
  38. Thunder Force III
  39. Thunder Force IV
  40. Whip Rush
  41. Zero Wing

Almost beat:



  1. R-Type


Game Boy:

  1. Contra: The Alien Wars
  2. Disney's Duck Tales (maybe, might have been the NES version)
  3. Nemesis


Super Nintendo (SNES):

  1. Contra III
  2. Out of This World (aka Another World; may have only beaten Sega Genesis version)
  3. F-Zero
  4. Fire Shark
  5. Phalanx
  6. Raiden Trad
  7. R-Type III
  8. Super Mario World
  9. Super R-Type
  10. Super Star Wars


PS1 (PlayStation):

  1. Gran Turismo
  2. Metal Gear Solid
  3. Gaia Seed (released only in Japan, later released on PSN)
  4. R-Type Delta
  5. Raiden DX (May 29th, 2013: co-op with Jason; all three stages: Alpha, Bravo, and Charlie.)
  6. RayCrisis (maybe)
  7. RayStorm
  8. The Raiden Project
  9. Thunder Force V

Almost beat:


PS2 (PlayStation 2):

  1. Silpheed: The Lost Planet (September 7th, 2014)

Almost beat:



  1. Doom 3
  2. Forza Motorsport
  3. Halo
  4. Halo 2
  5. Metal Gear Solid 2
  6. Monopoly
  7. Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit 2
  8. Need For Speed: Underground
  9. Need For Speed: Underground 2
  10. Project Gotham Racing
  11. Project Gotham Racing 2
  12. Rocky (2002)
  13. Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic (beat the Sith lord and then the game crashed)
  14. Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords
  15. Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell
  16. Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow



  1. Ikaruga


Xbox LIVE (Xbox 360 / Xbox One):

Beat game unlocking all achievements:

  1. 0 Day Attack on Earth
  2. 1942: Joint Strike
  3. 3 on 3 NHL Arcade
  4. Aegis Wing
  5. After Burner Climax
  6. Altered Beast
  7. Assault Heroes
  8. Castle Crashers
  9. Contra
  10. Dash of Destruction
  11. Daytona USA
  12. Dig Dug
  13. Fighting Vipers
  14. Forza Motorsport 2
  15. Forza Motorsport 3
  16. Forza Motorsport 5
  17. Galaga
  18. Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved
  19. Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved²
  20. Golden Axe
  21. Harm's Way
  22. Heavy Weapon
  23. KOF Sky Stage
  24. Limbo (Xbox One)
  25. Minecraft: Xbox 360 Edition
  26. Ms. Pac-Man
  27. Need for Speed: Most Wanted (2005)
  28. Need for Speed: Most Wanted (2012) 
  29. New Rally-X
  30. Pac-Man
  31. Pac-Man: Championship Edition
  32. Pac-Man Championship Edition DX
  33. Portal: Still Alive
  34. R-Type Dimensions
  35. Renegade Ops
  36. SEGA Rally Online Arcade
  37. SEGA Vintage Collection: Alex Kidd & Co. (Alex Kidd in Miracle World, Super Hang-on, The Revenge of Shinobi)
  38. SEGA Vintage Collection: Golden Axe (Golden Axe, Golden Axe II, Golden Axe III)
  39. SEGA Vintage Collection: Streets of Rage (Streets of Rage, Streets of Rage 2, Streets of Rage 3)
  40. Serious Sam HD: The First Encounter
  41. Shinobi
  42. Sonic the Fighters
  43. Sonic The Hedgehog (Arcade)
  44. Sonic's Ultimate Genesis Collection
  45. Streets of Rage 2
  46. Super Contra
  47. Test Drive Unlimited
  48. Test Drive Unlimited 2 
  49. The Adventures of Shuggy
  50. The Walking Dead
  51. Trials HD
  52. Virtua Fighter 2
  53. Voltron: Defender of the Universe
  54. X-Men Arcade
  55. Xevious
  56. Zeit²

See full Xbox LIVE list here.

Beat game without unlocking all achievements:

  1. Alien Hominid
  2. Braid
  3. Deathsmiles
  4. Forza Motorsport 4 (July 29th, 2013: Finished season 10, credits rolled.)
  5. Hard Corps: Uprising
  6. Halo 3
  7. Ikaruga
  8. Marble Blast Ultra
  9. Metal Slug 3
  10. Mortal Kombat (1) (from Mortal Kombat Arcade Kollection)
  11. Mushihime-sama Futari Ver 1.5
  12. Mutant Storm Empire
  13. Radiant Silvergun
  14. Raiden IV
  15. Raiden Fighter Aces (Raiden Fighters, Raiden Fighters 2: Operation Hell Dive, Raiden Fighters Jet) 
  16. RayStorm HD
  17. Super Meat Boy
  18. Triggerheart Exelica

Xbox LIVE (Xbox LIVE Indie Games; no achievements available in XBLIG games):

  1. Avatar Chess (Oct 10th, 2014: beat "Computov" in Easy, Moderate, and Hard)
  2. Avatar Maze Game (January 1st, 2015)
  3. Break Limit (shmup)
  4. Chronoblast (shmup)
  5. Game Type (shmup)
  6. I MAED A GAM3 W1TH Z0MB1ES!!!1 (shmup)
  7. M.A.C.E. (shmup)
  8. Maze Game (Dec 28th, 2014)
  9. PLATFORMANCE: Castle Pain
  10. Power Up (shmup)
  11. radiangames Crossfire (shmup)
  12. radiangames Crossfire 2 (shmup)
  13. radiangames Fireball (shmup)
  14. radiangames Fluid
  15. radiangames Inferno (shmup)
  16. radiangames JoyJoy (shmup)
  17. Robot Legions (shmup)
  18. Rofaxan 2089 AD (shmup)
  19. Score Rush (shmup)
  20. Shoot 1UP (shmup)
  21. Snops Attack! Zombie Defense (shmup)
  22. Space Maze (Dec 30th, 2014)
  23. Starfield (shmup) (no longer available on XBLIG)
  24. Titan Attacks (shmup)
  25. Twin Tiger Shark (shmup)
  26. Valkyrius (shmup)
  27. Vampire Rage (shmup)
  28. Vorpal (shmup)


Xbox LIVE (Kinect-required games):

Beat game unlocking all achievements:

  1. Kinect Fun Labs: Air Band
  2. Kinect Fun Labs: Battle Stuff
  3. Kinect Fun Labs: Bobble Head
  4. Kinect Fun Labs: Googly Eyes
  5. Kinect Fun Labs: I Am Super!
  6. Kinect Fun Labs: Kinect Me
  7. Kinect Fun Labs: Kinect Rush Snapshot
  8. Kinect Party

See full Xbox LIVE list here.

Beat game without unlocking all achievements:

  1. Kinect Fun Labs: Mars Rover Landing

Kinect Disclaimer: I played these games with my son. They can be quite fun, but alone they are not too true to the hardcore gamer in me.



Xbox LIVE (Full achievements):

  1. Wordament


Xbox LIVE (Windows Phone):

Beat game unlocking all achievements:

  1. AlphaJax
  2. Breeze
  3. BulletAsylum 
  4. geoDefense
  5. geoDefense Swarm
  6. Implode!
  7. Minesweeper
  8. Monster Island
  9. Pac-Man: Championship Edition DX
  10. Shoot 1UP
  11. Shuffle Party
  12. Sudoku
  13. Wordament

Beat game without unlocking all achievements:

  1. Radiant

See full Xbox LIVE list here.



Xbox LIVE (Full achievements):

  1. Wordament

See full Xbox LIVE list here.



About the Author: I am Matthew Doucette of Xona Games, an award-winning indie game studio that I founded with my twin brother. We make intensified arcade-style retro games. Our business, our games, our technology, and we as competitive gamers have won prestigious awards and received worldwide press. Our business has won $190,000 in contests. Our games have ranked from #1 in Canada to #1 in Japan, have become #1 best sellers in multiple countries, have won game contests, and have held 3 of the top 5 rated spots in Japan of all Xbox LIVE indie games. Our game engines have been awarded for technical excellence. And we, the developers, have placed #1 in competitive gaming competitions -- relating to the games we make. Read about our story, our awards, our games, and view our blog.