Matthew Doucette: CJLS Radio Interview on Bizcraft

Sunday, March 22, 2015
By: Matthew Doucette

Bizcraft (facebook), craft your future. Youth entrepreneurship.

As previously mentioned, I was keynote speaker at Bizcraft event. A week later, Stephen Paquette, another speaker at the event, and myself are interviewed by Kevin Northup of CJLS radio on The WEEKENDER program:

(Click the files above and they should play in your browser or download to your computer.)  

P.S. You can also find this interview on the CJLS Vault. Search that page for "Weekender March 22 Bizcraft" and play the audio clip directly below it (not above it).

That is all!



About the Author: I am Matthew Doucette of Xona Games, an award-winning indie game studio that I founded with my twin brother. We make intensified arcade-style retro games. Our business, our games, our technology, and we as competitive gamers have won prestigious awards and received worldwide press. Our business has won $190,000 in contests. Our games have ranked from #1 in Canada to #1 in Japan, have become #1 best sellers in multiple countries, have won game contests, and have held 3 of the top 5 rated spots in Japan of all Xbox LIVE indie games. Our game engines have been awarded for technical excellence. And we, the developers, have placed #1 in competitive gaming competitions -- relating to the games we make. Read about our story, our awards, our games, and view our blog.