Here are Genesta Doucette's statistics:
- Main
- Summary (Totals and Averages)
- Unique Visitors (Day | Week | Month | Hours of the Day | Days of the Week)
- Reloads (Day | Week | Month)
- Geo Tracking (Country | Continent)
- System Tracking (Browsers | Operating Systems | Screen Resolutions | Screen Colors)
- Referrer Tracking 1 (Last 20: Unsorted | Email | Search Engines | Queries | Usenet | Harddisk)
- Referrer Tracking 2 (Totals: Sources | Search Engines | All Keywords | All Website Referrers)
Website statistics collected since 10:48 AM, January 24th, 2005, courtesy Extreme Tracking.
(This page was last modified on Monday, April 11, 2005 at 12:42 PM.)