Xona.comDomain Hacks

Domain hack search utility.

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try: david, blogs, podcast.


  1. Domain Hacks Explained:

    Domain Hacks is a special domain name search utility. It results domain hack domain names, which are unconventional domain names like del.icio.us. Domain Hacks is the world's first domain hack search utiltiy. Also, Domain Hacks Suggest is the Internet's largest domain hack suggestion utility. Please contact us for more help/information.

  2. Domain name registration:

    Xona.com does not handle any domain name registration. Domain Hacks and Domain Hacks Suggest are purely search & suggestion utilities and nothing more. To find out how to register a domain name, click on the IANA link in your results. This takes you to IANA's webpage on the TLD (top level domain) in question. Then, click on the "URL for registration services" link from IANA's webpage. This takes you directly to the people who control the domain name registration of the TLD in question. Please contact us for more help/information.

  3. Discontinued or deleted TLDs:

    These TLDs (Top-Level Domains) have been deleted and are no longer in use. The links below take you to Wikipedia's pages on each TLD:

    These deleted TLDs are not omitted in Domain Hacks' search results to make sure every possible result is shown, even those that are currently, and potentially forever, impossible.

  4. Omitted results:

    Domain Hacks purposely omits certain possible domain hack results:

    If you search "delicious", delicio.us results but not del.icio.us. Domain Hacks will not split up the second level domain into all its possibilities. Such results are omitted due to cluttering. Please be sure to mentally consider all alternatives when searching for domain hacks.

    To give a demonstration of just how many results are being omitted, here are all the possibilities of "delicious":

    Please contact us if you feel such results should be included.

    An interesting note is that it is relatively easy to block a lot of forms of cybersquatting and typosquatting of domain hacks. If Joshua Schachter wanted to protect the most common cybersquats and typos of his del.icio.us domain name, all he had to register were these domains:

    • o.us, io.us, cio.us, icio.us, licio.us, elicio.us, and delicio.us.

    That being said, the entire point of domain hacking is to increase the possibilities of domain choices so that you are not locked out from getting the domain name you want. For further domain hack possibilities, which are not covered by our Domain Hacks search reults, please check out the "minor domain hacks" section further down in the page you are reading now. It is practically impossible to not get the domain you want if you are willing to accept a "hacked" domain.

    I know it is a lot of domain names to register, but it protects almost all possible attempts to steal his type-in traffic. Once all possible third level domains point to the original site, then most mistypes of the actual web address will take the surfer to the proper site.

    Please contact us if you feel such results should be included.

  5. SLD & TLD restrictions ignored (invalid results shown):

    Some TLDs (Top-Level Domains) have restrictions. Some ccTLDs (Country-Code Top-Level Domains) only allow their own citizens to register domain names. Some ccTLDs only allow third-level domain registration under preset SLDs (Second-Level Domains.) This is why bbc.co.uk is bbc.co.uk, not bbc.uk. The "co" is a preset SLD under the .uk (United Kingdom) ccTLD. The IANA link in Domain Hacks' results contains a "URL for registration services" link. This link describes each TLDs rules and regulations, which are different for each and every TLD, and are subject to change.

    Domain Hacks ignores these restrictions due to the future potential for the results to become valid. More and more ccTLDs (Country-Code Top-Level Domains) are dropping their tight restrictions and allowing anyone in the world to register any SLD under their ccTLD they want. You will have to check each TLD's individual registration service to determine if the SLD (Second-Level Domain) you wish to register is allowed. Again, this is done by visiting the IANA link in the results page.

    A full listing of TLD resgistration services are found here:

    Again, links to the specific TLDs at IANA are automatically displayed in Domain Hacks' search results.

    There are approximately 300 TLDs and it is very hard to impossible to stay current with each TLD's regulation changes. You must take it upon yourself to look up the current regulations to determine if the SLD you wish to register is valid.

    We believe this solution to be better than a potentially out of date solution which does not show restricted results. It is better to show invalid results than to not show valid results. In the case of "domain hacks", a false positive (showing an invalid result) is better than a false negative (not showing a valid result).

  6. Invalid SLDs are valid?

    Pay close attention to invalid SLDs, as they may be valid.

    (The following example is accurate at the time of this writing, Nov 3/2004. It may change. However, the point of this example remains valid forever.)

    For example, the .do TLD has restrictions on which SLDs you can use. You may only choose a third-level domain under one of the preset SLDs. For example, pucmm.edu.do is valid as "edu.do" is a valid SLD.

    Now, http://thenet.do/ctor/ ("The Net Doctor") is invalid because thenet.do is invalid. But wait, there's an alternate solution! http://the.net.do/ctor/ is valid! Why? Third-level domains under "net.do" are valid. In this example, the chosen third-level domain under "net.do" was "the".

    Why are these special results not shown? There are approximately 300 TLDs and it is very hard to impossible to stay current with each TLD's regulation changes. You must take it upon yourself to look up the current regulations to determine if the SLD you wish to register is valid regularly or in this special way. Besides, we have taken care of the first step for you, which is the largest problem solved.

  7. Register a domain hack?

    If so, please contact us and consider reciprocating a link to us. We will be very interested to hear from you. We will consider using your domain hack as our sample search (the example searches found directly below the search box).

  8. Notable domain hacks?

    Please check out Wikipedia's domain hacks category listing for notable domain hacks. Feel free to add to the list. You will have to educate yourself on how Wikipedia "categories" work, as to add an item to a category, you do not edit the category listing itself, but the item's own page.

  9. More Information on domain and email hacks:

    Please read our Domain Hacks & Email Hacks article for more information on... domain hacks and email hacks.

  10. Developer:

    Domain Hacks was coded by Matthew Doucette and Jason Doucette, both of Xona.com™. Specifically, Matthew coded the domain hack search utility, Domain Hacks, and Jason coded the software tool that produced all the domain hack suggestions, Domain Hacks Suggest.

  11. Domain Hacks Suggest Word List:

    The word list in Domain Hacks Suggest is from Grady Ward's Mody Word list, also available at Project Gutenburg.

  12. The term "domain hack":

    The term "domain hack" was coined by Matthew Doucette in November 2004 which means an unconventional domain name that uses parts other than the SLD (second level domain) or third level domain to create the title of the domain name. Typical domain names follow the structure of "title.tld" or "title.sld.tld", whereas a domain hack may have a structure like "tit.le", "ti.tle", etc. (where "title" is the title of the domain name, and "tld" and "sld" are the top level domain and second level domain, respectively.) The most popular and most sought after domain hacks are those that use only the SLD and TLD to contruct the full title, as shown by the "tit.le" example structure, above. (Many examples of these type of domain hacks are found on our Top Domain Hacks page.) However, a domain hack may use third level domains, fourth level domains, etc., and even directories/folders after the domain name to construct the title. An non-working extreme example of this would be http://do.ma.in/ha/ck/. More domain hacks are possible than one might assume due to the approximately 300 ccTLDs (country code top level domains) that exist all around the world.

  13. A "perfect domain hack":

    We consider a domain hack to be "perfect" (a "perfect domain hack") when the periods are used as perfectly placed word separators. The most notable example, at the time of this writing, is stop.spamming.us.

    del.icio.us, for example, is not a perfect domain hack because the periods cut up the word "delicious".

    Perfect domain hacks are very rare and difficult to create due to lack of options.

  14. A "minor domain hack":

    We consider a domain hack to be "minor" (a "minor domain hack") when the following two occur: 1) the TLD is not used in the title of the domain name, and 2) more than the SLD is used in the title of the domain name. An example of this could be http://dr.phil.com/ (Dr. Phil) or http://j.ames.com/ (James).

    As you can see in the examples above, the domain names are "hacked", but they are not official domain hacks because not all letters in the domain name are a part of the website's title.

    Our Domain Hacks search utility does not give minor domain hacks in its results. Minor domain hacks are very easy to "search" on your own. For example, if your name is James, and james.com is taken, then it is easy to try ames.com (for j.ames.com), or mes.com (for ja.mes.com), etc.

  15. The term "domain hacking":

    Since "domain hack" means the domain names, "domain hacking" is the name of the process in which the domain names are created.

  16. The term "email hack":

    The term "email hack" was also coined by Matthew Doucette in November 2004 which means an unconventional email address that uses the "@" symbol as the letter "a" in the construction of a email address title. An email hack may or may not be a domain hack converted into an email hack. So and are both considered to be email hacks that spell out "James."

    Currently, if you search "james" in Domain Hacks, it will only return , not . This is an oversight due to the slightly different variation between a domain hack and an email hack. It is planned to be fixed in the future. For now, it is quite easy to mentally figure out if any term can be an email hack that ends in ".com". As long as it cotains a letter "a" that is both not the first or last letter, then it can be constructed as an email hack.

    (By the way, The email addresses in the preceding paragraphs were encrypted by our AntiSpam Mailto freeware to prevent harvesting by spam bots.)

  17. Your Privacy:

    Xona.com does not store any information, such as searches, other than raw hit counters which are shown on our stats page.

    We used to use a public third party tracker, Extreme Tracking, which used to show off searches made on Domain Hacks in the "Last 20 Referrers" sub-section of the "Referrer 1" section. We are no longer using this tracker, and the recorded stats have been deleted for good.

    If anyone knows of a good free tracker that showcases referring URLs as well as Extreme Tracker, please contact us. We are currently testing out Google Analytics, but we are not happy with their referring URL stats page.

  18. Share the knowledge:

    Is Domain Hacks worthy? If so, please reciprocate a link to us and share it with others. We have been dugg, but have not been dugg enough to hit the front page.

  19. Contact us:

    If you know of other points that should be appended to this information page, then please contact us. All feedback is welcome.

Instant Domain Search result.
Lifehacker, Hackszine, and About.com mentions.
Dugg on 2006-Mar-3.